Ordered items online. The company kept me informed about the where abouts of my goods at every stage, even down to the date and time slot it would be delivered informing me by email.

In a local store. Tryingvto find an item. The assistant was so helpful, even to the point of looking in the stockroom for me. I also carry a Just Cant Wait Card with me. When I asked if I could use their toilet, there was no embarrassed moments or fuss made. She just said no problem and lead me to their staff toilets.

Share Ordered items online. The company kept me informed about the where abouts of my goods at every stage, even down to the date and time slot it would be delivered informing me by email. on Facebook Share Ordered items online. The company kept me informed about the where abouts of my goods at every stage, even down to the date and time slot it would be delivered informing me by email. on Twitter Share Ordered items online. The company kept me informed about the where abouts of my goods at every stage, even down to the date and time slot it would be delivered informing me by email. on Linkedin Email Ordered items online. The company kept me informed about the where abouts of my goods at every stage, even down to the date and time slot it would be delivered informing me by email. link
Karen stacey 9 months ago
Worst Company I've ever dealt with. Half owner of property, they have put the service charge up in April gone up 44% paying 123 pound for naff all. They sacked our window cleaner cause he told us they owed him money so he said I'm not turning up to not get paid. We battle all the time about maintenence but it's non existence. I'm now in process of going to the housing ombudsmen. I would not recommend buying a property half owned by these rip of merchants, take money and give nothing back. Its supposed to be affordable housing.....joke of a Company.
Share Worst Company I've ever dealt with. Half owner of property, they have put the service charge up in April gone up 44% paying 123 pound for naff all. They sacked our window cleaner cause he told us they owed him money so he said I'm not turning up to not get paid. We battle all the time about maintenence but it's non existence. I'm now in process of going to the housing ombudsmen. I would not recommend buying a property half owned by these rip of merchants, take money and give nothing back. Its supposed to be affordable housing.....joke of a Company. on Facebook Share Worst Company I've ever dealt with. Half owner of property, they have put the service charge up in April gone up 44% paying 123 pound for naff all. They sacked our window cleaner cause he told us they owed him money so he said I'm not turning up to not get paid. We battle all the time about maintenence but it's non existence. I'm now in process of going to the housing ombudsmen. I would not recommend buying a property half owned by these rip of merchants, take money and give nothing back. Its supposed to be affordable housing.....joke of a Company. on Twitter Share Worst Company I've ever dealt with. Half owner of property, they have put the service charge up in April gone up 44% paying 123 pound for naff all. They sacked our window cleaner cause he told us they owed him money so he said I'm not turning up to not get paid. We battle all the time about maintenence but it's non existence. I'm now in process of going to the housing ombudsmen. I would not recommend buying a property half owned by these rip of merchants, take money and give nothing back. Its supposed to be affordable housing.....joke of a Company. on Linkedin Email Worst Company I've ever dealt with. Half owner of property, they have put the service charge up in April gone up 44% paying 123 pound for naff all. They sacked our window cleaner cause he told us they owed him money so he said I'm not turning up to not get paid. We battle all the time about maintenence but it's non existence. I'm now in process of going to the housing ombudsmen. I would not recommend buying a property half owned by these rip of merchants, take money and give nothing back. Its supposed to be affordable housing.....joke of a Company. link
Admin Commented involvement.team 9 months ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and sounds like the staff in the store went above and beyond to be helpful. We will make sure that your views and comments are included. Please note: Responses will not be reviewed regularly. Please don't tell us about any service request or complaint here as these will not be recorded.  Please direct any request for service to our Customer Hub here: www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us  Please direct any complaints to our Customer feedback team here: https://www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us/how-to-make-a-complaint/
Share Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and sounds like the staff in the store went above and beyond to be helpful. We will make sure that your views and comments are included. Please note: Responses will not be reviewed regularly. Please don't tell us about any service request or complaint here as these will not be recorded.  Please direct any request for service to our Customer Hub here: www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us  Please direct any complaints to our Customer feedback team here: https://www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us/how-to-make-a-complaint/ on Facebook Share Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and sounds like the staff in the store went above and beyond to be helpful. We will make sure that your views and comments are included. Please note: Responses will not be reviewed regularly. Please don't tell us about any service request or complaint here as these will not be recorded.  Please direct any request for service to our Customer Hub here: www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us  Please direct any complaints to our Customer feedback team here: https://www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us/how-to-make-a-complaint/ on Twitter Share Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and sounds like the staff in the store went above and beyond to be helpful. We will make sure that your views and comments are included. Please note: Responses will not be reviewed regularly. Please don't tell us about any service request or complaint here as these will not be recorded.  Please direct any request for service to our Customer Hub here: www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us  Please direct any complaints to our Customer feedback team here: https://www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us/how-to-make-a-complaint/ on Linkedin Email Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and sounds like the staff in the store went above and beyond to be helpful. We will make sure that your views and comments are included. Please note: Responses will not be reviewed regularly. Please don't tell us about any service request or complaint here as these will not be recorded.  Please direct any request for service to our Customer Hub here: www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us  Please direct any complaints to our Customer feedback team here: https://www.greatplaces.org.uk/contact-us/how-to-make-a-complaint/ link