Planning for the future in Northmoor

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Do you live or work in Northmoor? This year we’ll be preparing a new Neighbourhood Plan for Northmoor that will look to the future. It’s an exciting time and a great opportunity for the people who live and work in Northmoor to get involved in planning for the future.

In July, colleagues met, had a walk around the neighbourhood and discussed how best to reach our customers and get your views on where you live. This engagement day was the start of a programme of activity that will help ensure that customers’ views are at the forefront of shaping our future neighbourhood plan for Northmoor.

We want to understand what is important to you about Northmoor.

December 2023 - We're working hard in the background to make sure that we have lots of information about our customers and the other residents in Northmoor. This will help us to know what the area needs in the future. You can still post your comments in our Guestbook below once you have registered.

Do you live or work in Northmoor? This year we’ll be preparing a new Neighbourhood Plan for Northmoor that will look to the future. It’s an exciting time and a great opportunity for the people who live and work in Northmoor to get involved in planning for the future.

In July, colleagues met, had a walk around the neighbourhood and discussed how best to reach our customers and get your views on where you live. This engagement day was the start of a programme of activity that will help ensure that customers’ views are at the forefront of shaping our future neighbourhood plan for Northmoor.

We want to understand what is important to you about Northmoor.

December 2023 - We're working hard in the background to make sure that we have lots of information about our customers and the other residents in Northmoor. This will help us to know what the area needs in the future. You can still post your comments in our Guestbook below once you have registered.

What is important to you about living in Northmoor?

It is really important to us to hear from the residents who live and work in Northmoor and we would really like to hear your comments. Why do you live where you live? What is important to you about your home, your area, your community?  What would you like to change? 

Don't forget to 'Register' in the top right hand corner of the page. 

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

Shops and good people

Resident, Hopkins Street (by text)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

One-way streets is the best idea. Tuesday is bin day and people leave stuff there on the street. Nobody takes it and it is still there. Why can't the council do permit holders for the parking?

SW, Elgar Street (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

Decorate Northmoor Community Centre.
More games and more space in the community centre for activities.
More homes with gardens so that we can play football. More play areas.

Y, Z, F and M, Levenshulme Youth Project members (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

What does the area need? A lot of money! And definitely better parking.

The area needs more of what we do - youth work in the community. We need more funding for different activities for them - like the HAF project. We always smash the targets for how many young people are involved. We need more facilities in the park as well. Lots of people are visitors from outside the Longsight area and they don't treat the area with respect.

Shazia, Levenshulme Youth Project Youth Worker (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

We need a tram stop and a women-only gym.

Aleena, Levenshulme Youth Project Youth Worker (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

More things for the kids on the fields. Less pot holes.

Solomon, Levenshulme Youth Project Youth Worker (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

Cleaning and litter. You can see on the roads. There is no bin. There was a bin, but they broke it and they just throw the rubbish on the floor. We need protection from drug dealing, from theft.

Parking problems. There can be one house with 4 cars and so customers say that's why they don't come here. Children come and are annoying but the Police say "They're under-age. We can't do anything." They come in, 7 or 6 children. They order one drink and then are annoying other customers.

The parking issues, if I park 5 or 4 houses away because there is no space in front of my house, the next day I find some damage on my car. We need a permit system for parking. And one way streets.

Local resident and employee at a local business (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

We were doing a treasure hunt in the park and one of the things we had to find was litter. We said "that's so easy" because there is so much litter in the park!

Levenshulme Youth Project member (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

I've been living here since 5 years old and the house is not good. It has lots of damp. The stairs came away from the wall and our private landlord came and only fixed it with tape. My Mum doesn't feel safe in the house.

M, Levenshulme Youth Project member (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

We think that it's alright. We've lived here for 20+ years. It's friendly, it's nice. The one thing we'd probably say is the back alleys. There's a lot of rubbish there. We're worried about rats. We've had a few. It wasn't really great. Other than that, it's alright.

SK, Northmoor Road (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

I love this area. I went to St Peter's School. I don't live here anymore, I live in Milton Keynes but I come home to my Mum's every weekend. I don't want anything to change here. But they need to fix up Crowcroft Park. It's a big space.

Visitor to the area (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

The area itself is very good here. We come to the park fairly often. The only issue I can think of in the area is the amount of trash. Other than that, I'm very happy.

SM, Stockport Road (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

The area needs safety and security which is very poor nowadays. Drug dealers everywhere and there are known criminals. Police need evidence and nobody will provide this. Even kids, adults and senior citizens are being victims. I ring myself to the Crimestoppers many many times. There are loads of senior citizens, disabled people and people with mental health issues who are facing anti-social behaviour as well. They've moved the people who were begging in front of the shops. They should be supported. Their money goes on drugs. This is life threatening to people who have issues. We need 24-hour CCTV in front of the shops. If anything happens there, they don't report it because they are scared.

NS, Northmoor Road (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

The big patch of land next to the school on Crowcroft Park, I think a roundabout where you sit on and someone pushes you would be a good addition.

AK, young person (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

I like this area. Not bad, little bit good. Shopping is good, lots of places. Some peoples in this area are not good. Some have bad habits on the play area for my child.

Farhad, Bickerdike Avenue (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

I'd really like to see an improvement in this football pitch (Crowcroft Park). It should have artificial grass and straighten out the bumps. I've falled multiple times.

MH, young person (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

I'd say cleanliness. There's been a difference since Youth Elements started. We've been round a lot of parks. Keep Manchester Tidy say that litter breeds litter.

For the young people we work with, from an aspirations perspective, they don't see this as a very mobile place, where they're going to gp places. It is a vibrant place and the young people still have a lot of energy. But the area doesn't know how to target that. The area doesn't have enough places to direct young people's ambition. We need more places for young people, more outreach and more digital inclusion.

Sidney, Youth Elements (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

Litter and rubbish is a problem. Mouses and rats as well. But I think it's nice, quiet. There's no problems like some areas.

BK, Stainer Street (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

Cleanliness. There is rubbish outside in the street. But everything is so social. There are shops and eatin, hospitals, groceries, parks. That is the lovely thing about this area.

AK, Slade Grove (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago

The markets are a bit obtrusive sometimes on Stockport Road. You can't get past them. There should be a skateboard park on Crowcroft Park. We used to live in Italy. It has better parks.

Visitor from Rochdale (consultation 15/8)

cathy.mccormick about 1 year ago
Page last updated: 12 Jan 2024, 02:41 PM