Scheme details

    About the Design

    The proposed design aims to respect the neighbouring buildings to the site and the existing character of the local area. The appearance of the development has been considered from the start of the design process, focusing on creating attractive views into the site and providing a landmark gateway development into the masterplan area.     

    The building has been designed and positioned to maximise the shape and size of the site while protecting existing trees adjacent to Ashton New Road. Retaining the trees will assist with providing an acoustic buffer to the traffic of the main road as well as create visual benefits. 

    The design allows for both private garden spaces for ground floor apartments as well as a communal garden space. Recessed balconies have been incorporated into the design for the apartments above the ground floor level to provide private outdoor space. This layout is considered the most suitable solution to maximising the number of car parking spaces that can be achieved in a courtyard arrangement to be accessed off Newcombe Close. 

    The height of the building will be 6 storeys stepping down to 3 storeys where the side of the building meets Jenkyn Walk respecting the neighbouring properties to the site. Ground floor apartments facing onto Grey Mare Lane and Ashton New Road will have their own front door access rather than a communal access point to allow for active street frontages. 

    The design has considered a new pedestrian link between Newcombe Close and Grey Mare Lane and the redirection of an existing footpath off Ashton New Road. 

    All apartments will be designed to M4(2) building standards in line with the Places for Everyone policy, this means that properties are built to an accessible and adaptable standard.

    Greenspace and Landscaping

    The proposals will be designed to maximise the green space throughout the site for the enjoyment of future residents including attractive planting and trees, carefully considered pedestrian access routes and high quality hard landscaping. 

    A landscape architect will be appointed in order to make the best of use of the landscaping area provided and as part of our proposal we will retain as many trees as possible across the site area. 

    Transport and Parking

    We believe that the site is ideally located to deliver affordable accommodation with a range of amenities and public transport links located close by.

    We understand that by utilising the site for development part of the area that is currently used as informal parking will be lost. Four parking spaces have been incorporated into the design proposals which would be intended for use by existing residents. 

    Car usage and parking needs are being considered and a transport survey is currently being completed as part of our overall scheme review. 

    Parking provision will be in line with Manchester City Council’s prospective masterplan for the Grey Mare Lane area as well as planning requirements. 

    Energy Sustainability / Benefits

    Our sustainability measures for all new homes follow a fabric first approach. A 'fabric first' approach prioritises the energy efficiency of a property from the start of the design and development process.  By focusing on reducing a home's heat loss, you can achieve a low carbon, sustainable house that's affordable to heat.

    This development will deliver on reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint, whilst future proofing for changes in environmental factors, energy delivery models and customer requirements. 

    Our development sites address climate risk through the use of robust and resilient construction materials to provide structural stability, durability, and weather protection, ensuring that homes mitigate the effects of a rapidly changing climate, both now and in the future. 

    We will mitigate increased overheating risk through appropriate design and construction for each home’s orientation, glazing extents and site constraints. We will also utilise solar shading, improved glass specification, and ventilation strategies, which do not adversely impact safety, security and wellbeing. 

    Electric vehicle charging points will be provided to some of the residents' parking bays and all bays future proofed with the infrastructure in place to provide additional chargers as required.

    The proposed scheme will support and encourage the use of bicycles by providing secure storage within the grounds of the development for both residents and visitors.